*All the attendees are required to register on line. Speakers need to submit abstracts after logging in. Deadline for conference registration and payment is Sep. 30, 2019.
※ Attendees can pay the conference fees on line after receiving formal invitations.
Early Bird (from the operation of payment system to Aug. 31, 2019) : 180 US dollars, or 1000 RMB; After Aug. 31:200 US dollars, or 1200 RMB
Students: Early Bird: 90 US dollars, or 500 RMB ; After Aug. 31:100 US dollars, or 600 RMB
※ The conference fees include:
- 1 Admission to all Symposium sessions and the exhibition area
- All coffee breaks, drinks
- 1 Welcome Dinner on Oct.24, 2019
- Lunch and supper from Oct.25 to Oct.27
- 1 Program book
- 1 Name tag and bag
- 1 Group photo
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