The major work of our center is the accomplishment of the Major Project sponsored by National Social Sciences Fund (“Compilation and Research of Overseas Life Writing on Modern Chinese People,” 11&ZD138). During the period of 2012-2018, two tasks have been completed. The first is the development of the “Multi-Lingual Full-Text Database of Overseas Life Writing on Modern Chinese People.” Focusing on 9 core sources, i.e. the U.S., the U.K., France, Germany, Russia, Japan, Singapore, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao, this Database collects materials from other countries and regions too. All forms of life writings published or preserved overseas of Chinese figures with representativeness or with certain achievements or social influence after 1898 in written, imagery or audio/video form all fall into the scope of the Database. For the time being, a total of 15,000 materials of over 3,000 figures have been included in the database. The second task is the special researches on the collected materials in the form of the book series, Research of Overseas Life Writing on Modern Chinese People, including 9 volumes of special researches and 1 volume of material index.