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The Depth and Breadth of “the Margin” in the Autobiography of the Northern-American Chinese Women

Abstract: The autobiography of the Northern-American Chinese women demonstrate a pedigree, as well as the depth and breadth of a “Margin” motif. Some of the authoresses write Oriental Fables: the Chinese minority endeavor to participate and permeate actively the local mainstream society. Others reconstruct traumas form the victims’ viewpoints to the self-examiner. Such themes continue,develop,and change, revealing the essence of being “modern” and “rootless” by drifting in the world as the cultural hybridist and the new immigrant.

Key words: autobiography of the Northern-American Chinese women; the pedigree; Marginal Characters

Song Xiaoying is Professor/PhD of Chinese Literature atJinan University,China. She has been visiting scholar at Edinburgh University (UK) , University College Cork (Ireland) & Towson University (USA). She is currently developing two research projects: “A Study on Autobiography of the North-American Chinese Writers” (2011) funded by the National Social Science Foundation of China, and “Database for Overseas Chinese Literature Studies” (2012) funded by Department of Education, Shandong provincial government, China. She is the author of Self Writings in Nonfiction by Chinese-European and Chinese-American Authoresses (2006) and various articles on studies of modern Chinese literature in Europe andNorth America.