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Sié Chéou-Kang in the Sino-French Cultural Exchange

Abstract: Sié Chéou-Kang’s being accepted by the European society largely relies on his activities inEuropeand the profund communication between European modern culutre and Chinese traditios culture that is relectd in his various works. Modern Chinese literature is often considered to be influenced by the Chinese students under a work-study program in France and Symbolist poets. So is the Sino-French cultural exchange. However, the Chinese cultural groups that were formed around Sié Chéou-Kang demonstrate that the influence also comes from the literary groups of Republican Chinese scholars inFrance.

Key words: Sié Chéou-Kang; studying inFrance; literary groups

Tang Yuqing,is Associate Professor of Comparative Literature at Nanjing University, Ph. D in French Modern Literature atParisIIIUniversity(Sorbonne Nouvelle).