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From Ups and Downs of Zhang Chunqiao to the Rise and Fall of the Gang of Four: The Gains and Losses of Ye Yonglie’s Life Writing

Abstract: An outstanding writer in modern Chinese documentary writing, Ye Yonglie gains his special reputation by his new edition of the three-volume biography:The Rise and Fall of the Gang of Four, which is among the most influential and far-reaching life writings of our time.  Mr. Ye’s great success attributes to his emphasis on interviewing witnesses, investigating facts as well as analyzing resources and making full use of historical biographies. Nevertheless, he is not quite familiar with the literary contexts and the businesses of books and journals back in the 1930s. It is inevitable that some of the events reported in his book are neither authentic,  nor objective. This paper aims at delivering the diverse, but more trustworthy tales of the same events based on the author’s research and evaluation.   

Key Words:  Ye Yonglie;  The Rise and Fall of the Gang of Four;  life writing;   Historical Materials Analysis 

Zhou Yunzhong was born in 1946. After Graduation from high school he went to the rural area in Heilongjiang Province. Later, he was transferred to the oil field while serving as director of creative writings, middle school teacher, and an editor at Officer for Local Journal. Since 1971 he has published variously in such prominent Chinese newspapers and periodicals, as Heilongjiang Daily, People's Literature, Lu Xun Research Monthly, Lu Xun World, Culture and History, Vision Film Art, Shanghai Scene, Century, and etc.  Many of his papers have been reproduced in the other newspapers, periodicals or websites.