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Biographers Write Not Only the Life, but also the Time

In China, Kai Bird and Martin J. Sherwin are renowned not just for their winning the Pulitzer prize, but also for their writing the life of J. Robert Oppenheimer. Their American Prometheus: The Triumph and Tragedy of J. Robert Oppenheimer is so thought-provoking that its Chinese version is well received and reviewed among Chinese readers. Scholars in China examine their biography from the perspectives of politics, theme study, and writing techniques. In February, 2016, our editor email-interviewed the two distinguished biographers, who shared their own writing experiences and insights with us. In the following interview, Q represents the questions asked by our editor whereas KB is short for Kai Bird and MJS for Martin J. Sherwin.

·伯德 记者、传记作家。近年出版《一位好间谍——罗伯特·埃姆斯全传》,目前正在写吉米·卡特总统的传记。

马丁·J·舍温 乔治·梅森大学历史学教授。研究方向为冷战史,主要关注与核军备竞赛有关的问题。除《奥本海默传》(与凯·伯德合著)之外,还发表过获得多项大奖的著作《被摧毁的世界——广岛及其遗产》,目前正撰写《世界末日之赌:从广岛到古巴导弹危机的轮盘赌》,预计2018年秋由诺夫出版社出版。