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The Value of Disabled Lives

Abstract: In recent years, life writings of the physically disabled have increased rapidly, emerging as new genre of biography. The great number of disabled individuals is one of the reasons but of greater noteworthiness is the fact that issues that the disabled face cross gender, occupation and geographical boundaries. Also, the social culture and self-perception and attitudes of the disabled have changed as well. This article seeks to highlight the value of this genre of biography by firstly focusing on these phenomena against their societal background, followed by discussions from three dimensions: hero’s biography, the need for a voice, and therapeutic effects. 

Keywords: physically disability; biography; voicing; scriptotherapy

Tsun-Jen Cheng is an Associate Professor of Department of Teaching Chinese as a Second Language at Ming Chuan University. He is the author of the book, Research of Contemporary Biography Literature in Taiwan, and has published articles both in biography and language-teaching.