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Lieh Tao:Cross-Sectioning the History of Modern Sino-Japanese Psychiatric Exchange

Abstract: There is no systematic research on Lieh Tao, Jing Tao’s brother. Based on the newly-discovered historical materials, the author gives an overview of the milieu of Lieh Tao’s learning in Japan and Chinese students’ neurasthenia in Japan, focusing on Lieh Tao’s learning and his psychiatric study in Japan. This paper also examines the modern psychiatric exchange between China and Japan.

Key WordsLieh Tao; neurasthenia; Japan; Psychopathology

Xu Xiaohong is Doctor of Literature and Assistant Psychologist. She obtained her Ph.D from the Department of Humanities and Sciences at Graduate School of Tokyo University. Once a researcher of Comprehensive Culture Studies at Graduate School of Tokyo University, Distinguished Researcher in Shanghai Mental Health Center and Office of Crisis Intervention Research at Medical School Affiliated Hospital of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, she is now Lecturer in Center of Japanese Studies, School of Literature and Communications at Ocean University of China. Her research interests are New Sensation School literature, pathography, history of Sino-Japanese psychiatric exchanges, etc.