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On Wang Dingjun’s Writing of Memoir

Abstract: The publication of the four-part Memoir by Wang Dingjun attracted extensive attention in academic circles. It can be seen that Wang Dingjun has a clear sense of style for he  particularly points out the differences between a memoir and an autobiography. His tailoring of the materials, the deliberation of language and the skills of adequate expressions makes his memoir both lively and intriguing. Additionally, as a Christian, his writing not only tells of the influence of religion on his life, but also exudes a deep religious dedication.

Keywords: Wang Dingjun; memoir; writing Art; religious inclinations

Shi Jianguo (1981—), Ph.D., is a Lecturer at School of Literature & Journalism, Shandong University. He teaches Modern and Contemporary Chinese Literature. Recent publication: The Biography of Sophia H.Z.Chen: A Singer of Creating Life (2010) and more than 30 papers.