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Collision and Symbios: Kafka the Writer and Kafka the Clerk

Abstract: As a great master of Western modern literature, Kafka biography emerges now and again. The publication of the English version Franz Kafka: The Office Writings offers a new perspective and valuable materials for writing Kafka’s biography and interpreting his fictional works. Kafka’s writing world, both literary and official, is an intact institution. Though seemingly divided, Kafka the writer and Kafka the clerk collide and collude with each other. The two sides of Kafka together consummate his greatness. 

Key words:  Kafka; double identity; collision and symbiosis

Jiang Zhiqin, Ph. D., is a Professor and doctoral advisor at School of Liberal Arts, Shandong Normal University. Dr. Jiang focuses her research on comparative literature, European and American literature. Her recent publication includes Chinese Contemporary Literature Going Abroad and National Image Making, Methods and Problems in the Process of Chinese Contemporary Literature Going Abroad, etc.