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The Return of Subject and the Challenges of Life Writing: A Preface to the Chinese Version of The Biographer's Revenge

Abstract: Enduring the impacts of “anti-biography” criticism, such as new criticism and post-modernism, life writing and its studies since 1990s have nevertheless been increasingly prosperous. It reclaims humanity, subjectivity and cognition, and poses challenge to or revenge against various deconstruction theories. However, it also stimulates dialogs and debates among various concepts, calling for new research paradigms. The aim of having The Biographer's Revenge published in Chinese is to introduce this issue in the hope of enabling readers to understand lifewriting in-depth and expanding the horizon of life writing studies.

Key words: biography theory; subject; challenge

Liang Qingbiao is an Associate Professor at Jiangxi Normal University and adjunct research fellow of SJTU Center for Life Writing.