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Prose Poetry(Fu) and Biography: From the Original Function to the Composition

Abstract: Prose Poetry(fu) is related to biography in the evolvement of China’s ancient genres. The prose poems share, to some extent, part of the biographical function. Three features are manifested from the original function to the composition. 1. Prose poetry is the rewording of Confucian classics. Both the poetry and rewording explicate each other. The prose poetry quotes Confucian classics and makes it its focus to assess itself in light of the Confucian classics. 2. The prose poetry features historical narrative, transforming from recording prose poems in history to illustrating history through prose poems. 3. Prose poetry "fu" and the ode "song" explain each other in Han Dynasty. This feature reveals the didactic tradition of the prose poetry, which is shared with biography in depicting moral edification against human evil in life stories.

Key words: prose poetry and biography; poetic life; historiographical life; prose poetry and ode; merits and virtues

Xu Jie is a Professor of Chinese literature at School of Humanity, Nanjing University. He is president of Chinese Prose Poetry Society and was Visiting Professor at Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, South Korea and Chu Hai College in Hong Kong.