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The Autobiographer's Preset Identity and the Authenticity in Autobiography: A Study of Modern Chinese Literary Autobiography

Abstract: As a compulsory criterion for evaluating autobiography, authenticity is an important issue in autobiography study. If we put aside the obliviousness in human nature, the absolute truth is impossible to attain in autobiography. The autobiographical subject is apt to select biographical facts in accordance with his/her preset identity. Facts in compliance with this identity will be overstated, while those in conflict with it will be suppressed. To the extent that he/she feels difficult to keep silent on the facts about others or the history, the autobiographer will justify the facts. Therefore, what and how the autobiographer narrates in the autobiography are pursuant to his/her preset identity.

Key words: autobiography; autobiographical subject; preset identity, authenticity

Han Bin, Ph. D., teaches at Weifang College. Her research interest is life writing study.