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Authenticity in Biography and Other Issues: Reflections on Jia Yinghua's How to Write a Successful Biography

Abstract: Jia Yinghua's How to Write a Successful Biography systematically summaries the author’s biographical writing practice. The author puts high premium on authenticity in biographical writing and attaches great importance to material collecting. Biography demands authenticity, but does not absolutely exclude imagination and fiction. While the focus is placed on historical authenticity, the demand for artistry is not to be ignored. To the extent facts and evidences are important, the biographer’s historical insights and integrity carry equal weights. As they determine how the biographer selects and uses those materials, they are hence essential prerequisites for writing a successful biography.

Key words: Jia Yinghua; biography; authenticity; facts and evidences

Zhou Lingfeng, Ph. D. from Nanjing University (2008), is an Associate Professor at Zhou Youguang School of Languages and Cultures in Changzhou University, China. His research centers on life writing studies.