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Writing Biographies for China and Her People: Reading Lin Yutang’s My Country and My People

Abstract: Lin Yutang recommends Chinese Culture as a unity to the readers of the English-speaking countries enthusiastically. Lin Yutang, as a writer rather than a scholar, describing China and Chinese Culture as happy, natural and humorous, attempts to use them as an effective solution to the modern industrial problem haunting the modern Western culture. His description is consistent with his own personality and writing style. As the result, his works are ever popular.

Keywords: Lin Yutang, My Country and My People, China, the Chinese people, biography

Wang Jun, PhD in Literature, is Lecturer in World Literature at Huaqiao University. His research interests include Western literature and cultural studies. He is connected to the major project Compilation and Research of Overseas Life-writing on Modern Chinese People sponsored by China National Social Science Fund. E-mail: jwlq@qq.com.