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On the Relationship between “Bloomsbury Circle” and Virginia Woolf

Abstract: Being a core member of the famous British Modernist literary and artist group “Bloomsbury Circle”, Virginia Woolf has very close relationship with other “Bloomsburians”. Particularly, her deliberate pursuit of the structural design and plastic form partly originates from the visual art concepts of Roger Fry. During her tough “voyage out” period, Clive Bell has made an incomparable contribution to her writing as not only a brother-in-law, but a spiritual supporter and aesthetic mentor. Meanwhile, her dear sister Vanessa Bell has made herself an everlasting heroine and spring of inspiration in the life stories of Virginia, with her 59-year-long companion and her position as the soul of Bloomsbury Circle.

Keywords: “Bloomsbury Circle”, Virginia Woolf, Roger Fry, Clive Bell, Vanessa Bell

Wang Wei is a PhD candidate in School of Foreign Languages and Cultures at Nanjing Normal University. Her research interests are English literature and literary translation. She is the co-author of “The Literary Translation and Cultural Choice of Critical Review” (2015) and “Bloomsbury Factors and Woolf’s Androgyny” (2016), etc.

Yang Lixin, PhD from Nanjing University, is Professor of Literature in School of Chinese Language and Culture at Nanjing Normal University. Her major research interests are British and American literature, and Sino-British literary relationship. She is the author of Virginia Woolf in China (2009), Orlando’s Dream of Writing (2014), Aesthetics of Woolf’s Fiction and Visual Arts (2015), etc. She is the translator of The Mad Woman in the Attic by Sandra M. Gilbert and Susan Gubar (2015). Her recent publications include “On Virginia Woolf’s Moments of Being” (2013) and “Woolf’s Fiction as ‘Significant Form’” (2015), etc. E-mail: yanglixin307@163.com.