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The Permanent Pursuit and Long Journey: On the Evolution of Writing and Publishing of Hu Shi Biography

Abstract: This paper attempts to discuss Hu Shi’s life writing and its publication in mainland China from the perspectives of communication. As a modern advocate and practitioner of biography, the Chinese scholar Hu Shi is widely known for his statement that biography functions as materials for historians and extends a new path for litterateurs. He himself was continuously written as a biographee and witnessed an up-and-down history for such a life writing. At the outset he was given credit for his academic achievements, and then blamed and belittled politically for his “repugnant” behaviors, until he was researched and respected in the academic circle. The eventual recognition of his contributions is attributed to the implementation of the economic reform and open-door policy in China 40 years ago. That the studies of Hu Shi and his life writing deepens and broadens partially reflects the enhanced toleration and openness in China.

Keywords: Hu Shi, life writing and its publication, times

Wang HongboPhD, is a senior editor at Jiangsu Phoenix Literature and Art Publishing Group. His research area focuses on publishing and biography.

His research interests include Modern Chinese Literature and Republican scholars.