Special Section Theory Studies Comparative Biography Text Studies Autobiography Studies Oral History Studies History of Biography Subject Study Film Biography Studies From Life Writers
My Reflections on the Craft of Literary Biography

Abstract: It has been one of the important achievements since 1978 that lives of modern Chinese writers are composed from the perspective of looking at history critically. However, the current life writing is passively influenced by the tendency of historical nihilism to a greater or lesser extent, which we should guard against. It is suggested that the life of a writer be written in his or her unique artistic style. It is relatively easy to write a biography for a less-known writer, but very difficult for a colossus who is both a writer and a scholar. It is imperative for biographers to build on their rich academic expertise, Otherwise it will be difficult or even impossible to work out a good biography.

Keywords: reflections, style, Lu Xun, Hu Shi, Guo Moruo